HOPI Ear Candles
A soothing and relaxing ancient Indigenous ritual to balance pressure in the ear, nose and throat channels as well as massaging the ear canal with warm herbal air and softening hardened ear wax.
This treatment includes a facial massage, to increase circulation, release pressure and relax the muscles helping to relieve sinus congestion and headaches.
Hopi Ear Candling is a gentle relaxing, non-invasive soothing treatment which can offer relief to any problems in the ear, nose and throat areas. It also calms the mind to combat stress and deeply relaxes all of your senses.
It is good for restoring pressure in the ear before flying and scuba diving. A good alternative for people who have found syringing uncomfortable. Suitable for children and the elderly.
Hopi Ear Candling is also known as Thermo Auricular Therapy has been used for thousands of years by many civilisations, Egyptian, Chinese, Aztec, Tibetan, Mayan and American Indian cultures. The practice was brought to the west by the Native American Hopi Indians of North Arizona. (Hopi means “peaceful people”).
Hopi ear candles are hollow tubes made from natural ingredients of organically grown flax, honey extracts, sage, st john’s wort and chamomile.
The treatment is a pleasant, relaxing and non-invasive experience that enhances the state of health to the ear, nose, throat and sinus areas of the body. Not only is the treatment beneficial for the upper respiratory tract but also for the circulatory and lymphatic system, making it a whole body treatment.
Hopi Ear candling works on both physical and psychological levels and is a cleansing programme for the whole body not just the ears.
Physical Benefits
- Stimulates and improves lymphatic drainage to the head and neck helping to eliminate waste material from the body.
- Improves blood flow to the head and neck, this increases distribution of oxygen and nutrients to nourish the tissues and encourage healing.
Effective in:
- Alleviating headaches and migraines
- Improving symptoms of tinnitus
- Reducing symptoms of hayfever and rhinitis
- Relieving sinus congestion
- Easing and preventing glue ear in children
- Relieving pain/pressure when flying or scuba diving
- Relieving colds, flu, sore throats by clearing congestion in the ear and throat
- Improving hearing by softening and loosening ear wax
- Alleviating earache by reducing inflammation of the ear canal
- Helping problems with snoring by easing congestion of the upper respiratory airways
- Reducing the symptoms of meniere’s disease and vertigo
Psychological Benefits
- Revitalises the whole body
- Relaxes and soothes and so reduces stress and anxiety
- Rebalances energy flow to the body
- Helps clearer thinking by increasing alertness and concentration
Uma Oliver : 07985013085