Juliet Vandershuit

Well Being Essences


Treatment Costs and time length of session

30 mins £30        40 mins £40
60 mins £60        2 hours £100

Please contact the arcturus for more information relating to concession.


Preferred method of contact and details:
Email:            wellbeingessences@gmail.com
Website:       www.wellbeingessences.com
Telephone:  07922045880





1. Aromatherapy Diploma.
Mrs.S. Jones. Centre of Excellence.
8. Well Being Coaching Master.
Coaching Masters Accreditation. Lewis Raymond Taylor. The Coaching Masters.
2. Deep Tissue Massage Diploma.
Study Plex.
9. Feng Shui Diploma.
Master Raymond Lo, Hong Kong.
3. Gua Sha Facial.
Udemy. Michael Eric Everson.
10. House re-balancing workshop.
Christian Kyriachu, (author of The House Whisperer).
4. Gua Sha full body.
Udemy. Michael Eric Everson.
11. Geomancy, Dowsing & Diviing. Course.
Shaun Kirwan. Glastonbury.
5. Reflexology facial. Accreditation. Udemy.
12. Bach Flower Essences Private Tuition,
Cynthia Alves. 30 year Bach Flower Essence practitioner.  (Now retired).
6. 1.2.3. Reiki, Usui Shiki Ryohoi.
Reiki 1 & 2, Karen Withens Dorchester Dorset.
Reiki 3 (Masters). Truda Clarke, Poole Dorset.
11. Sacred Sound practitioners course.
Tim Wheater Sacred Sound teacher, Classical Flautist, ex member of Eurythmics.
7. Karuna Grecian Reiki.
Allan Sweeney. PhD  (AM) Doctor of Phylosophy in alternative medicine.
12. Crystal Healing course & Aura reading.
David Kingston Dorchester.
13. Feng Shui & Earth Acupuncture. Earth healing.
4 Elements Feng Shui. Richard, Nunney, Frome Somerset.
14. Herbalism course.
Shirley Glastonbury village hall.
39 years Martial arts training. Lao Ga Kung Fu, (World Champion) age 16, Tai Chi, from 18, Several teachers, Chi Gung from 18, Shaolin from age 30. (Neil Genge Shepton Mallet), Shaolin at 51 Temple group Totnes Devon.
What is it?

I have a range of therapies & products to calm Mind, Body, Heart & Soul. Relieve pain, uplift mood *& skin…
Leaving you feel refreshed, more energised Physically, Mentally, Emotionally & Spiritually & Essence & Aromatherapy Mists to clear Rooms for Meditation & therapies.

My chosen way of treating is to focus on the person as a whole…
Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual & Environmental Well Being.
Offering Coaching, Diet, Well Being Products & Therapies to bring The Whole aspects of a Human ~ Being back in to alignment. To Truly Be.. in harmony.

Well Being Essences
Physical Emotional Mental Environmental Spiritual Well Being Products.
Pain & Stress Relief & Anti-ageing Products.
Physical Emotional Mental Environmental Spiritual Well Being Caoching.
Well Being Coaching.
Gua Sha Facial & body Massage, using Well Being Essences products, Medatiation, Coaching & Environmental cures to bring us back in to alignment with our Higher Selves, Our Divine Selves, In balance between Heaven, Heart & Earth…
HEARTH (Copywritten Healing programme).
My 2 hour sessions incorporate all aspects of Healing.. it is the best way to experience my full ability to assist Mind Body Heart & Soul & even Home, in to re balancing helping us realign to our Highest Potential, Our Higher Purpose & a Higher Vibration/Frequency, Emotionally & Physically & therefor Spiritually.
All illnesses & imbalances begin with emotional & Vibrational trauma or discord. We attract situations to us via our own vibrational emissions & our Subconscious patterns.
I assist people (as I have helped myself), to walk through the door from the past, in to the Present Moment, where REAL LIFE BEGINS… & emotional freedom holds us in balance. Atracting more positive Life situations based on our shift in Consciousness & our Vibrational frequency, (mood)..
The Miracle effects of Nature are at The Heart of Well Being Essences products Therapies & Coaching.
Personal Bio:
I have been in the Well Being Industry since my early 20’s.
I devised Highly effective therapies, using my highly effective products, to clear, & bring deep relaxation, clarity & Pain & Stress relief. To Mind Body & Spirit.
I have studied, the energy flow, within the body our environment. 
Through the Martial Arts & the making of Flower Essences I have a deep understanding of the Energetic make up of ALL of Life.
We are Vibrational beings, in fact ALL of life is a symphony of vibration, even down to the molecular structue. Atoms & ions vibrate to a certain frequency or Hertz. We are the same. (Attracting & repelling depending on our own frequency).